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Magnolia Project Team

Magnolia Project proudly partners with over 190 different business partners across Sonoma and Marin Counties. Check out some of our amazing mentors and their businesses below! Interested in hosting a student for our Career Explorations or Apprenticeships program?

Sign up here!

Ben Chaco in front of the Fruity Moto Cafe emblem

Ben Chacon

Owner, Fruity Moto Cafe

Ben Chacon, the owner of Fruity Moto Restaurant, hosted Neida R., an 11th-grade student from Geyserville New Tech Academy for her apprenticeship.


Ben was impressed by Neida's positive attitude and eagerness to learn during her apprenticeship. "Working with Magnolia Project was phenomenal, Ben shared. Due to Neida's hard work, l've hired her to work at Fruity Moto for the summer. Thank you Magnolia Project for this amazing program!"

Carmen Froemke

Owner of Carmen Q Jewelry in Novato

The owner of Carmen Q Jewelry in Novato, hosted Ava M., a 12th grade student apprentice from Marin Oaks High School in Novato for her two week apprenticeship. "Seeing how happy Ava was to complete jewelry on her own from start to finish was so wonderful to watch!" Carmen shared. "I felt very supported by Magnolia Project and was thrilled with my apprentice. Magnolia Project is extremely organized and professional and is offering a wonderful experience for these students!"

Carmen Froemke poses with a high-schooler in Carmen Q Jewelry in Novato
Grimsel Alonso flexes with high schoolers in a gym

Grimsel Alonso

Owner of Empower Dance & Fitness, and Certified Personal Trainer

Grimsel Alonso Soto, the owner of Empower Dance and Fitness and Certified Personal Trainer, hosted a four day fitness Career Exploration for Rowan R. (9th grade), Cristian C (10th grade) Erik C. (10th grade), all students at Geyserville New Tech Academy. "What l enjoyed the most about the Career Exploration Program is the enthusiasm of students. Students who participated in my Exploration seemed to really have a passion for fitness and a desire to learn more about the different aspects of it. They learned about proper body positioning and safety but they also learned about the different possibilities in fitness careers and training, the business aspect and scope of practice and more."

Caroline Singleton

Rancho Compassion, an animal sanctuary

Caroline Singleton, of Rancho Compasion, an animal sanctuary, hosted Olivia M., and Carla M., two 12th grade students at Marin Oaks High school in Novato for their two week apprenticeship. Caroline shared about her experience with Magnolia Project "We recommend this program to other businesses and nonprofits. We believe learning a skill outside of a classroom is important for all beings."

Caroline Singleton poses with high schoolers and a chicken in front of an animal care chart
Asherah Weiss poses with a high schooler in front of a graffiti wall.

Asherah Weiss

Program Director at ArtStart

Asherah Weiss, the Program Director at ArtStart, hosted Jessica G., a 9th grade student during her Magnolia Project Career Exploration Program at Artstart, an arts education non-profit.


After her experience with Jessica during Career Explorations, Asherah immediately signed up to host a student apprentice.


"I loved working with Jessica, and think this type of program is very needed in our world. It benefits everyone involved, including bringing intergenerational connections, Asherah shared. "We are so happy to get to participate in Magnolia Project's Programs!"

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