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Magnolia Staff

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Riley Petersen

Administrative Assistant,

Riley Petersen was born and raised in Sonoma County, and was in the first class of high school students to complete Magnolia Project’s Apprenticeship Program, as a 12th grade student at Geyserville New Tech Academy (GNTA)  in Geyserville. Riley graduated from GNTA as the class Salutatorian, while concurrently enrolled at the Santa Rosa Junior College.

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Gianna Biaggi

Executive Director,

Gianna Biaggi founded Magnolia Project through a High Tech High New School Creation Fellowship in 2021. She is a social entrepreneur, former teacher and administrator. Gianna has previously held roles at Abaarso School of Science and Technology and High Tech High. She has a B.A. in International Studies from Kenyon College, an M.Ed. from the High Tech High Graduate School of Education, and a CTE Credential. Gianna has had professional fellowships from Future Founders and the Watson Institute, and is the 2017 winner of the Samuel Huntington Award for Public Service.

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